Desssign#d by h3l

> >> MA I N [ SUP*R W I L D STUDI. O. ]
************* First generation immigrants working hard to find success, without losing touch to our roots. †he small things make a difference, and remembering to always give back --------------------- and empower a community that is eager to move forward towards the betterment of the planet. Being a voice and shield for people [ + Freedom is a fleeting idea, so risk it all. ] who may be unable or afraid to speak out. Always searching for truth, even when it’s ugly. Born and raised in big cities where most of us (including Caucasians) faced prejudice, bigotry, and classism from strangers, law enforcement, judges, D.A.’s, and even our teachers. ]

__________________________________________Service / flagship product of the company
>* freelance videography + photography
I have n. o. t really thought of this either, but I guess Vice.

h3l©. Thanks for watch. Join Us.