ıııııııı.ıııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııı.ııııııııı.ııııı ı クローズドシステムを維持し、言語補完を通じて用途を拡大することで、時代を超越した特異なキャラクターを備えた個性と多用途性を備えたキービジュアルを解決しました。

HAUT©. is a Real Estate development company with a modernist and innovative profile. Its products pursue high-tech resolutions and energy efficiency. The Identity and Language Project was created by conceptualizing the meaning of his name. —ııııııı ıııııı.ı The creation of a neutral and modular logo gave us a spontaneous link towards the creation of geometric graphic units that represent skins in various formats and configurations. ıı.ıııı.ı ıııııııı.ıııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııı.ıııııııııı.ıııııı Maintaining a closed system and expanding the uses through language complements, we resolved a Key Visual with personality and versatility with a timeless and singular character. ニュートラルでモジュール式のロゴの作成により、さまざまな形式や構成でスキンを表す幾何学的なグラフィック ユニットの作成に向けた自発的なつながりが生まれました。 ıı.ıııı.ı ıııııııı.ıııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııı.ııııııııı.ııııı ı クローズドシステムを維持し、言語補完を通じて用途を拡大することで、時代を超越した特異なキャラクターを備えた個性と多用途性を備えたキービジュアルを解決しました。